10 years after the original surgery for gingival recession, 10 of 17 patients were returned for follow-up evaluation. Among the parameters measured at 10 years: Percent root coverage, gingival recession depth, probing depths , width of keratinized tissue and clinical attachment levels.
No difference between Emdogain and Coronally Advanced Flap when compared to Connective Tissue and Coronally Advanced Flap for all measured parameters.
Both procedures are equally clinically effective and stable at 10 years for the treatment of Miller class I and II recession defects.
Dr. Gabrael’s comments:
Important long term data. Gains in root coverage appear stable at 10 years for both treatment modalities.
for more information refer to:
Evaluation of human recession defects treated with coronally advanced flaps and either enamel matrix derivative or connective tissue: Comparison of clinical parameters at 10 years.
Journal of Periodontology November 2012, Vol.83, No.11, Pages 1353- 1362
That’s great news for pts who want an alternative!
Its great that the long term data is in on this subject. Always was wondering which one was better!