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Methods: Peri-implantitis patients with implant pockets of 5 to 8 mm had subgingival implant surface debridement followed by repeated bi-weekly supra gingival plaque debridement and chlorhexidine chip application for 12 weeks. Results: A total of 290 patients were included: Significant reduction in implant probing depths was measured in the chlorhexidine group ( 1.76 mm) compared to … Continue reading →

Prosthesis is stable but, tissue is inflamed/painful. Overgrowth of tissue between the components. Pinched tissue, Pain with every bite. To learn more watch this webinar Include the attached photo with the post. TweetFacebookLinkedInTumblrStumbleDiggDelicious

Methods: Forty patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups: 1) Full Mouth Debridement with Clarithromycin 500mg every 12 hours for 3 days. 2) Full Mouth Debridement with placebo pills. Results: Both groups were effective for clinical and microbiological parameters. The Clarithromycin group presented with lower mean probing depths for pockets ≥ 7mm at … Continue reading →

Methods: 52 patients with at least one non-contained infrabony defect ≥ 3 mm and probing ≥ 3 mm were randomly treated with either Emdogain plus biphasic calcium phosphate or Emdogain alone. The primary outcome was a change in clinical attachment up to 12 months. Results: Mean clinical attachment gain of 2.38 mm ± 2.17 mm was … Continue reading →