Does Puros Dermis have comparable results to Alloderm?


Split mouth design with 26 sites treated with Puros Dermis and 26 sites treated with Alloderm. A coronally advanced flap was used.


At 6 months both groups had similar improvements in recession coverage with an average of 2.83 mm for Puros Dermis and 3.13 mm for Alloderm. 81.4% root coverage for Puros and 83.4% for Alloderm. Difference between the two materials was not statistically significant.  


No statistical or clinical difference in root coverage, probing depth or keratinized tissue in coronally advanced flaps using etither of the two acellular dermal matrix materials. Both were successful in achieving root coverage.


for more information please refer to:

A Comparative Study of Root Coverage Using Two Different Acellular Dermal Matrix Products

Thomas S. Barker, Marco A. Cueva, Francisco Rivera-Hidalgo, M. Miles Beach, Jeffrey A. Rossmann, David G. Kerns, T. Bradley Crump and Jay D. Shulman

Journal of Periodontology November 2010, Vol. 81


3 thoughts on “Does Puros Dermis have comparable results to Alloderm?

  1. Interesting study that shows similar short term results between these two similar allografts

  2. Alloderm is a great product. Thanks for the lecture you gave on this subject in Yorkville, Toronto. I am quite impressed with the nice results you gave gotten with the Alloderm. I’ll have to lean more about ‘Puros’

  3. I have been working with Puros Dermis for a few years now. I prefer the handling and definitely great results!